About us

About us

In response to the Autism Act (November 2009) and the National Autism Strategy (March 2010), Hampshire County Council (HCC) and partners agreed to set up a Hampshire Autism Partnership Board (HAPB). Hampshire Autism Voice (HAV) was set up and hosted by HCC in 2010 when the HAPB was created. In 2014, HAV became independent of HCC (with some admin assistance from HCC).

We have been developed to give a voice and active involvement to autistic people, their families and carers within the HAPB and the autism strategy workstreams/action groups. We actively participate in the planning and monitoring of services for autistic children, young people and adults living in Hampshire.

Our group comprises two autistic adults and six parent/carers, plus one associate member – all are volunteers, give their time freely and are geographically located across the county. All members have strong links with autism support groups and organisations around the county.

Our objectives are:

  • To help develop effective ways to consult with autistic people and their families/carers. The group is responsible for asking other autistic people and their families/carers for their views on topics so these can be raised by HAV members at relevant meetings.

  • To provide a voice to ensure the HAPB autism strategy has the full involvement of autistic people and their families/carers.

  • To assist with feedback from autistic service-users, and their families/carers, on the quality of services received and gaps within Hampshire’s services.

  • To advise on joint protocols between and within agencies to improve care pathways.

  • To provide a forum for autistic people and their families/carers to share information on key developments within services and disseminate information.

  • To ensure HAV maintains a core group of autistic people, parents and carers to attend and actively participate in the HAPB and its workstreams.

  • To support the role of autistic people, parents and carers on the HAPB by providing briefing and debriefing on agenda items, etc.

Our members also represent autistic people on other relevant groups and bodies, such as The Personalisation Expert Panel (a consortium of Disabled People, Carers, User-led/Carer-led organisations and Hampshire Adult Services), Hampshire Parent/Carer Network and Hampshire Carer's Partnership, and have a direct link, through one member, to The Royal College of General Practitioners' 3-year autism clinical priority and other national health bodies. Members also attend other meetings throughout the county where the views of autistic people need to be represented.

Click here to view HAV's terms of reference.

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